Our aim here is to provide moms with easy access to babysitters, cleaners and tutors without the guess work of who is available. All our providers are dedicated to being faithful followers of Jesus Christ, as well as being devoted leaders in our community.
Amelia Wolff is a 20 year old Sophomore at NSA. Ever since a talk at NSA from Red Balloon she has been looking out for a way to serve her community. She has been babysitting for a year in Moscow and started to play around with the idea of a complete master list for babysitters. The idea came to her after realizing that some babysitters don't use Facebook and that it would be helpful for moms to have a list of babysitters with their availability. The website aims to make finding a babysitter hassle-free for moms in the community.
Her hope is that Moms and babysitters, cleaners, and tutors alike can use this website easily and make the process of hiring and getting hired a smooth and hassle free process.
Amelia would like everyone using this website to know that if there are any suggestions, problems, or features that can be added, changed, or fixed, to contact her, so that she can continue to serve the community and her friends.